With over 24 years as a physical therapist, JJ’s passion for movement along with her unique experiences and training have shaped her into the successful clinician and educator she is.
JJ graduated from the #1 ranked physical therapy school in the nation, University of Delaware in 2000. She holds multiple certifications in a variety of advanced specialty techniques and methods, all of which complement her role as an expert clinician and educator. JJ has been certified in dry needling since 2009, and began instructing dry needling in 2012.
In 2023, JJ started Primal University to be able to share her knowledge and expertise with other clinicians, so that she could reach and help a larger number of patients. Through Primal University, she teaches Dry Needling Masterclasses, The Primal Method of Evaluation and Treatment, and even offers a Mentorship Program for clinicians who are driven towards excellence in their craft. A leader in the assessment and management of musculoskeletal injuries, JJ also lectures regularly at national conferences and trains other clinicians throughout the country in the fields of physical therapy, chiropractic, and sports medicine.
JJ Thomas also has certifications in Gray Cook’s Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA), ACE Gait Analysis, Functional Range Conditioning (FRC), The Raggi Method of Postural Evaluation (based out of Italy), and many other joint, soft tissue, and neural mobilization techniques. In addition to these accomplishments, JJ is also a trainer for GMB Fitness, where building a solid foundation fosters restoring functional, pain-free movement.
JJ’s expertise in the area of movement analysis and in dry needling has played a large part in success in the field of sports medicine. JJ has had the honor to work and travel the world with the US Field Hockey Team, and with individual professional athletes from NFL, MLB, NBA, USATF, PGA, US Squash, USPA (polo), and most recently traveled with and supported athletes in the 2024 Paris Olympics. In addition to working directly with athletes, JJ has been contracted to teach dry needling to the medical staff of several NFL teams.
As a recognized expert in dry needling and consultant for organizations such as the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) and the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), JJ has contributed to national legislative advancements in dry needling. Her work with these organizations includes establishing national education standards for dry needling competence and successfully adding a Trigger Point Dry Needling CPT code for insurance and billing coverage. JJ assisted the APTA in successfully adding a specific CPT code for trigger point dry needling in CPT 2020.
Despite her busy schedule JJ still finds the time to live an active lifestyle. She continues to explore and push her own movement regularly through her hobbies, such as running, olympic weight lifting, Jiu Jitsu, bodyweight training, hiking, climbing, skiing, and more.